Premier Recycle Tracks Green Building Standards With Starlight

Living up to its name, Premier Recycle in San Jose, California, is one of Northern California’s premier recycling operators, serving a diverse range of construction companies and contractors throughout San Francisco and the entire bay area. The mission of the company, lead by Brock Hill, is to enable customers to develop and execute overall strategies to achieve a higher standard of green building. His company provides dumpsters at construction and demolition sites and hauls materials to their in-house materials recovery facility when materials are sorted for recycling opportunities.
Premier facilitates recycling of appropriate waste items, and helps companies adhere to LEED and Green Building standards, which involves a great deal of reporting and tracking. To make it easier and more efficient to characterize materials collected, as well as document and distribute recycling information and data, Brock needed an automated system that would help track and report on material sources and destinations, and attribute appropriate taxes and fees. He needed this for his own customers, for third-party haulers coming to his facility, and for state and local jurisdictional reports.
While researching software options specific to the hauling and recycling industry, Brock was relieved to find Starlight, the only solution available that provided a full, end-to-end automated solution that could keep up with regulatory needs, tax reporting and manage customer orders, schedules, and billing.
Another key outcome exclusive to Starlight that was mission critical for Brock was the ability to analyze his own data anytime from anywhere, and run reports on profitability per unit, job site, customer, route and more on the fly.
Staying On Top of Change
In addition to using Starlight to optimize outcomes and profitability for his own business, Brock is part of the Advisory Council for Starlight Software Solutions, helping to identify features and processes that will help recycling facilities and haulers operate more efficiently and profitability. Some of the features he has helped develop include:
Materials can be profiled and photographed with a tablet or smartphone as each truck arrives at the tipping floor. You can customize your material and list special fee items and nonconforming waste categories.
With the invoicing tool Brock and the advisory team helped design, you can get paid accurately and quickly. You also can customize pricing discretely for individuals customers or customer groups, materials, nonconforming waste or added services.
Starlight runs in the cloud in real time, resulting in calculations and summaries viewed and delivered to customers immediately. Raise the bar with Starlight’s Recycling Facility Software. Send haulers reports they need to meet environmental compliant mandates, municipal diversion requirements, or permit reporting for LEED© projects. Landfill, diversion, and recycling reporting can be sorted by any combination of variables such as:
• Job site origin
• Time frame
• Material types
• Destinations
• Hauler
Starlight’s system helps you understand and manage your income while meeting all jurisdictional requirements for taxes and fees and reporting on the fly with no post-process calculation required.
Case Studies

Streamlining Operations with Starlight

TJ Services Uses Starlight to Set a Foundation for Growth

MCM Reaps Benefits of Starlight Regardless of COVID-19
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