News, Videos, and Case Studies from Starlight Software Solutions.

Streamlining Operations with Starlight
Waste Advantage magazine sat down with Aaron Stienstra of U-Load-It of Kansas City to discuss the beneficial use of Starlight software at his company.

Contractor App Video
Watch the video below about our exclusive contractor app to see how it can work for your customers and business!

Exclusive Contractor App Building Value for Roll-Off Operators
Starlight's exclusive Roll-Off Contractor App adds brand value and customer loyalty

What Your Roll Off Can Do in the Cloud
Why cloud management is key to sustainability now and in the future.

What Can I Expect for Onboarding and Long-term Service? (Part 8)
A software decision is one you and your team will need to be happy with for a long time.

What Technology Will Help Me Scale the Fastest and Most Efficiently? (Part 7)
There are three distinct technology advantages that drive scalability that you should discuss with software suppliers you are considering.

How Should My Hauler Software Help Me Scale Growth? (Part 6)
Be sure any system you consider is easy to use across devices.

Can I See My Inventory Live and Execute New Dispatch Directions Instantly? (Part 5)
It happens every day. A customer needs a pickup earlier than planned and another customer needs a roll-off as soon as possible.

Can I Access My Waste Hauling Business Data Directly and Run My Own Reports? (Part 4)
Waste management software should give you access to your data in real time.

Does My Waste Management Software Allow Me to Analyze Profitability Per Unit? (Part 3)
The best operational systems give you the complete picture of net performance.

Do I Have Access to Critical Business Data? (Part 2)
Answers to questions you should be asking about waste management software.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions You Should Be Asking (Part 1)
Before selecting a software partner, you need to ask all the right questions to know who is the right fit for you.

Are You Using the Right Software? 8 Questions to Ask to Assure You Are Optimizing ROI.
Here are 8 questions to ask yourself before moving forward with a software supplier to assure you get in and stay in the fast lane for profitability.

Starlight's All-In-One Recycling Facility Software
With Starlight, you can track, profile, invoice and report in real time as materials flow through your facility.

Starlight Ensures Driver Efficiency and Safety
Every piece of Starlight connects seamlessly, from the desktop dispatch system to the app on your driver’s smartphone.

Starlight Software: Paperless Operations
Starlight is an integrated ERP suite of mobile, cloud and local applications that work together in real-time to streamline operations.

Starlight Benefits Haulers of All Sizes
Starlight gives haulers the ability to make the most out of their fleet without adding trucks or containers.
Gain a Competitive Advantage in Your Market with Starlight's Contractor App
Set yourself apart from your competitors with Starlight’s contractor app.

Three Ways SalesPoint Helps Your Business Grow
SalesPoint is a retail web application for roll-off businesses which allows anyone to rent a dumpster at any time through an easy to navigate transact

Starlight Meets With Ukraine Development Team
Members of the Starlight team headed to Europe over the past month to meet with our Ukraine-based development team (ELEKS).

Dispatch: How Starlight Can Create Efficiencies
Dispatch efficiency improves overall processes, which will make a noticeable difference for your team's productivity and your overall profits.

What Makes Starlight Unique?
Our recycling and roll-off dumpster software is designed to make your operations more effective and efficient on every level.

Wingmate & Starlight Partner for Success
Starlight partnered Wingmate, the perfect addition to Starlight's integrated suite of mobile and enterprise applications.

Starlight's Team Understands Your Problems Because We've Been There
Adam Clindaniel on Starlight's Business Development team knows the roll-off industry because he had his own roll-off company.

Whip Around Makes Starlight More Valuable to Customers
Starlight wants to make their customers lives easier, help them grow their business, and allow them to receive accurate information at their fingertip

Starlight Introduces Self-Service Dumpster Rentals
The Starlight Salespoint application acts as an extension of your current website to provide easy access to customers in a few simple clicks.

Bad Software Costing You Money?
When I bought my roll-off company in 2012, the first thing I did was look for good software.

Exceed Expectations
Good roll-off companies do more than pick up the phone when customers call – they do everything they can to make their service stand out to customers.

Tipping Fees Going Up and Up and Up - How do you deal with it?
My Answer: (A) Changing the game (don’t just compete on price.) (B) Auditing the landfill invoices (many, many “errors.”)

Roll-Off Best Practices- An Introduction
Own a roll-off business? Roll-off has traditionally been considered the back water of the waste industry. But I completely disagree.

Waste360 Interviews Starlight Founder, Bill Bradley to Discuss Roll-Off Software
5280 Waste Solutions, a Denver-based roll-off company, is changing the game with its Starlight Software Solutions.

Getting The Most From What You Have
We roll-off guys work in a capital-intensive business. Trucks and containers represent a significant amount of hard to come by capital.
Book a Demo
Increased productivity for your entire business.
Get the software you’ve been waiting for.
Don’t want to wait?
Give our team a call: 720-699-8530