Exceed Expectations

Good roll-off companies do more than pick up the phone when customers call – they do everything they can to make their service stand out to customers. From providing information to make the container selection process easier to sending“can on way” text messages, 5280 Waste Solutions goes the extra mile for customers. No other roll-off or dumpster company in our market goes to that length to provide consistency and effective communication for customers, and it makes a difference. 5280 has grown from 8 to 33 trucks in 6years, and is now the largest independent roll-off operator in the RockyMountains.
We mostly receive positive reviews, but like any business we get negative reviews and unhappy customers some of the time. When we get negative reviews, we face the critics head-on and own up to any mistakes. By making the extra effort to politely respond to customer complaints, even some that might be completely inaccurate, we hope to build trust among prospective customers, and it shows our employees how much the company values the customer experience.
The majority of residential customers and some small businesses don't know the nuances of renting a dumpster or roll-off container until the need arises. For many businesses and residents, this is their first rodeo and it all can seem quite overwhelming. Taking time to explain the particulars about renting a dumpster and listening to what will best suit their needs is essential.
A good roll-off company knows it all starts in house. Good employees are our most valuable asset. We combine positive customer relations with an employee-centered culture to build and maintain our happy trash family.
By avoiding an overly schmoozy sales approach, educating consumers, and being present for customers, we try to generate an culture of excellence.
We set the bar high. And, once the team got on board, “excellence” isn’t a chore, it is a way of life.
~ Mary Vivo
A Veteran of the Roll-off Industry and the former Director of Marketing for 5280
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3 Simple Steps to Avoid Trashing Customer Loyalty

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