Starlight Software: Paperless Operations

Starlight Brings Waste Industry Specific Software to Haulers around the US
Starlight Software Solutions is an integrated ERP suite of mobile, cloud and local applications that work together in real-time to streamline operations and drive efficiency and revenue. Designed for the transportation, waste, and environmental industries, Starlight’s live dispatch, real-time inventory control, and comprehensive network of endpoints are all tightly coupled with its custom billing system. Starlight’s unique design includes competitive customer engagement and creates full, live transparency to resources and operations so that you can always make smarter decisions while managing your business from anywhere.
One Benefit of Technology: Paperless Operations
As we head more and more towards the use of technology in our everyday life, the waste industry is making similar changes. What’s one huge benefit? No more paper!

Starlight’s base system allows you to go completely paperless without any additional licensing. The base price of Starlight includes software management tools that will store all business information in one complete, secure system. Oftentimes, other software systems will leave gaps so you still have to deal with a paper trail that has to be manually uploaded into the system to bridge the gaps. These gaps, such as route maps or paper weight tickets, create pain points that are counterproductive to the efficiencies these softwares boast. When there are gaps in your software, that creates more work for your team members who have to manually input data to paint the entire picture of what really happened on-site. Starlight eliminates the need for manual entry because our endpoints communicate with one another seamlessly.

With Starlight, your team will no longer need to upload piles of paperwork to make your software as efficient as possible. Out of the box, Starlight’s intelligent endpoints will connect dispatch, drivers, and customers in real time - no paper required. To learn more about the benefits of Starlight visit our website.
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